To defend, maintain, and enhance the quality of life for friends, family, and self – through any legal means necessary.

How to: Protect yourself from bad advice

How to: Protect yourself from bad advice

Before accepting *any* advice on *any* topic, please consider the source. I see threads all the time on: - "How do I lose weight?" - "How do I achieve FIRE*?" * FIRE = Freedom/Independence, Retire Early Both of these are something I'd like to think I know a little bit...

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True Progress Will Take Much Longer Than You Expect

True Progress Will Take Much Longer Than You Expect

Have you ever felt that you're "plateauing" or "getting stuck" where you are in life, job/career, or health - especially as you grow older? This is something I'm seeing shared amongst my friends and colleagues - that many feel like they are "stuck in the rat race"...

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Success.Engineer : Why a Blog? [Part 1]

Success.Engineer : Why a Blog? [Part 1]

Some of you know that, about 2 years ago, I started a YouTube channel dedicated to financial planning, business, and how to be your own "Success.Engineer." This was an expansion / alternate to the weekly meetups I was running about Real Estate Investing for the local...

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